Born in the charming city of Sabadell (Barcelona), Alexa knew early on that she wanted to become a singer.
At the age of fifteen she began to record demos and she worked extra in a pizzeria to make money to pay for these demos. The challenging work paid out when she eventually was signed by Vale Music (Universal) and released “Ven a la fiesta” that became the big summer hit that year.
Even though her dream was to become an artist, she felt uncomfortable in front of cameras and to fight those fears, she signed on with a modelling agency in Barcelona to gain more experience. Alexa immediately started receiving requests from the agency’s clients and soon she was starring in commercials for major brands such as Fanta, Telefonica and Pirelli and later she became a model for Calvin Klein.
Alexa also wanted to try acting and had minor parts in several movies, including two Hollywood productions of which “Face of Terror” was the most known. Alexa also was asked to host television, first as a news presenter with a regional TV channel in Barcelona, later she as a sidekick to Pedro Ruíz in his late-night show “Noche Abierta con Pedro Ruíz” for a complete season, where she interviewed famous artists.
Alexa tried to combine the different activities with her artist career for several years and she released several songs, but it was not until 2017, when she was discovered and signed by a Swedish / American artist management agency, events began to accelerate for her. She was immediately put to work together with American top songwriters and producers; professionals behind world hits with Lady Gaga, Jennifer López, Beyoncé and many more.
The first single released from that collaboration was “Dime con Tus Manos.” The song was released to American radio stations with the support of Howard Rosen Promotion and began to climb the charts. In November 2018, it entered the Top-40 where it reached #34. She was nominated for a Hollywood Music Award and on November 14, she became the winner of the Award for Best Latin Pop.
Apart from winning a Hollywood Music Award, Alexa has been nominated for several awards. In 2019 she was nominated för a FAME Producers Choice Award in Las Vegas for “Best International Female Live Performer, in 2021 for a Hollywood Music Award for “Best Pop”, and in 2023 she got two nominations for an Independent Music Awards in Hollywood in the categories “Best Latin Pop” and “Best Holiday Music”
During a TV-show in Sao Paulo in 2018, she met King Hanry Gomes who was also invited as a guest to the show to talk about how he regained the royal status as a descendant to Pedro II, the last emperor of Brazil who was forced to abdicate after a military coup in 1889. King Gomes loved Alexa’s music and started to follow her on social media.
In 2020, the Royal House Gomes awarded her a Merit of Honor for Outstanding Talent. The award came with the title Lady of the Royal House. In September 2023, Alexa was ennobled and received the title Countess in a ceremony in Barcelona where she received the title from the hands of the King.
In 2024 she went to Nashville to record her album that contains nine great songs written and produced by some of the world’s top songwriters and producers with numerous hits under their belt.

Alexa has won, and been nominated to, several awards in USA. She is the winner of a Hollywood Music Award for “Best Latin Pop/Rock” and she has been nominated a Hollywood Music Award for “Best Pop” and to two HIM-Awards in Los Angeles for Best Pop and Best Holiday Music as well as a nomination for a F.A.M.E Producers Choice Award in Las Vegas for “Best International Female Performer”
In 2020 Alexa received a Merit of Honor from the Royal House Gomes for “Exceptional Talent”. The Award came with the title Lady of the Royal House Gomes of Brazil.
In 2023 Alexa was ennobled and received the title Countess of the Royal House.
She received the title from the hands of the King at a ceremony in Barcelona.


New single released on December 6, 2024.
Never Gonna Make Me Cry is a powerful rock ballad written by Larry King, Emma Rose Ferro and Joie Scott Poster.
“Every Girl Needs a Hero,” is a bold anthem of resilience and strength. With its dynamic guitar riffs, powerful vocals, and an empowering message, the track captures the spirit of overcoming adversity with confidence and grace.
Now available on all major streaming platforms, “Every Girl Needs a Hero” showcases Alexa’s signature blend of emotional storytelling and energetic Country pop/rock sound. A must-hear for fans of heartfelt, empowering music. Discover the song that’s already winning hearts worldwide!

Alexa Lace presenta "Never Gonna Make Me Cry", un poderoso himno de empoderamiento rockero
Web musical para el apoyo de Artistas y en especial a los Nuevos Talentos
Disco de la Semana (47) - Alexa Lace - Blame on me - Topdisco Radio
Volvemos con esta gran artista que nos presenta su segundo single de su nuevo EP , el tema Blame on Me , una canción de rock al mas puro estilo norteamericano, todo ello cortesía de Mike Roland Karlsson de Alexa Lace Productions .
Música en todo su esplendor
Hola a todos y bienvenidos una vez más. Aquí me encuentro de nuevo para traeros las últimas noticias musicales. En esta ocasión vengo para volver a hablaros de una gran artista: ¡Alexa Lace! Y bueno, ¡comencemos! Han pasado 5 años desde la última vez que os hablé sobre Alexa Lace.
La cantante Alexa Lace , Lanza su nuevo nuevo single Don't Blame My Heart grabado en EEUU
La cantante Alexa Lace , Lanza su nuevo nuevo single Don't Blame My Heart grabado en EEUU. La cantante de pop/rock, Alexa Lace, lanza su tan esperado primer sencillo de este álbum, "Don't Blame My Heart." Es un conmovedor tema, que fusiona su característico estilo de pop/rock con letras profundamente personales, "Don't Blame My Heart"...
Alexa Lace - Blame on me Archives - Topdisco Radio
Volvemos con esta gran artista que nos presenta su segundo single de su nuevo EP , el tema Blame on Me , una canción de rock al mas puro estilo norteamericano, todo ello cortesía de Mike Roland Karlsson de Alexa Lace Productions . Seguir leyendo
Alexa Lace lanza "Blame on Me", un poderoso himno de pop/rock que explora la resiliencia
Web musical para el apoyo de Artistas y en especial a los Nuevos Talentos
La cantante Alexa Lace , Lanza su nuevo nuevo single Don't Blame My Heart grabado en EEUU
La cantante Alexa Lace , Lanza su nuevo nuevo single Don't Blame My Heart grabado en EEUU. La cantante de pop/rock, Alexa Lace, lanza su tan esperado primer sencillo de este álbum, "Don't Blame My Heart." Es un conmovedor tema, que fusiona su característico estilo de pop/rock con letras profundamente personales, "Don't Blame My Heart"...
Alexa Lace lanza TENÍA QUE SER YO
Alexa Lace lanza TENÍA QUE SER YO
Entrevista a Alexa Lace
Entrevistamos a Alexa Lace una artista española con mucha proyección internacional, tiene su principal mercado en América Latina y Estados Unidos donde ha ganado y ha sido nominada a varios premios. Comenzó su carrera a la
Alexa Lace lanza TENÍA QUE SER YO
Alexa Lace lanza TENÍA QUE SER YO
Entrevista a Alexa Lace, ganadora del HollyWood Music Award en 2018 por mejor canción pop latino - Radio Faycán
Entrevista con la artista Alexa Lace, ganadora del HollyWood Music Award en 2018 por mejor canción pop latino.
Alexa Lace vuelve con fuerza con pop en español |
Alexa Lace lanza nuevo material en español en un estilo completamente nuevo y lo hace en colaboración con unos de los compositores, artistas y productores más exitosos de Suecia y EE.UU en este momento
Alexa Lace en exclusiva para Pop 12 - Canal 12 de El Salvador
Hoy nos presenta su video musical "Tenía que ser"
Una sabadellenca, Alexa Lace, guanya un Hollywood Music Award
Alexa Lace, cantant, model i actriu de Sabadell, ha guanyat el prestigiós Hollywood Music Award a la millor cançó llatina, el passat 14 de novembre. Lace va ser nominada pel seu nou single Dime con tus manos. Hollywood Music Awards va reunir a compositors i artistes nominats de tot el [...]
Alexa Lace vuelve con fuerza con pop en español
Alexa Lace lanza nuevo material en español en un estilo completamente nuevoy lo hace en colaboración con unos de los compositores, artistas y productores mas exitosos deSuecia en este momento.
Alexa Lace lanza su nuevo single "Mentiras"
Web musical para el apoyo de Artistas y en especial a los Nuevos Talentos
Disco de la Semana (20) | Alexa Lace - Fuel to my fire - Topdisco Radio
El disco de la semana 20 de Topdisco Radio es para la cantante Alexa Lace , con su ultimo tema Fuel to my fire.
Alexa Lace: "Aquí, si no surts a la televisió, costa que et facin difusió"
La cantant i model sabadellenca ha guanyat el Hollywood Music Award a la Millor Canço Llatina
Grandes artistas reunió el GoldenFest 2018 en El Salvador - Revista De Vacaciones El Salvador
Por Karina Guillén Noviembre 2018 Una verdadera tarde/noche de derroche de talento fue la que pudimos vivir este sábado 10 de noviembre en el GoldenFest 2018 en el Estadio de Pelota Saturnino Bengoa. Las puertas se abrieron desde las 2:00 de la tarde para que los asistentes pudieran disfrutar de música, bebidas, atracciones extremas como ...
Alexa Lace ganhadora do Hollywood Music Award
A Cantora espanhol Alexa Lace ganha prêmio de música de Hollywood para Melhor Canção LatinaAlexa Lace, cantora, modelo e atriz de Sabadell, acabou ganhan
Alexa Lace vuelve con fuerza con pop en español - El diario de Jerez
Alexa Lace es una artista española de Sabadell con mucha proyección internacional. Alexa tiene su principal mercado en América Latina y Estados Unidos, donde ha ganado y ha sido nominada a varios premios musicales. Después de años de hacer música en inglés, ahora ha decidido enfocarse en los mercados de habla hispana, lanzando música en [...]
La cantante española Alexa Lace ganadora de un Hollywood Music Award por Mejor canción Latina - Paperblog
Aunque había grabado y sacado su musica en España durante 15 años, su vida ha cambiado completamente en menos de un año.
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Alexa Lace Productions LLC
21C Orinda Way, MPB 317
Orinda CA 94563

Zircon Entertainment Group
C/La Unión, 7
46183 L’Eliana